my cell is totally not working :(
and im fcuking hate it .
and daddy said wanna buy me a new cells !!
XD . i wonder which will be mine ? :)
have some fun conversations with my mum .
watching movies
mum : if we have swimming pool jau good hor ?
me : yaloh . but wont have ge la
mum : if marr !!! if got hor BWUAHAHA . i can swim all the time !!
me : HAHAHA . i wish too ! then we pakai bikini !!!
mum : then put lotion !!!! then i can excersis my hand
me : dont dreaming la mum .
mum : ish . hope jer mar !!!
then while mum watching movie with fokus i go kacau her
me : you look like a baby
mum : winks*
me : dont perasan
mum : ish . kanasai . dont kacau me mum is freaking funny !!! HAHAHA
went to yeolde english just now
to eat !!!!
whoa ! that drinks is so large !!!
just imagine it !! XD
then went to billion to buy coffee
after that off to home !
yea,gonna reopen school tomorrow !!!
hate it !!
yea,i havent wash my shoes !!!
*swing my hips and giggle !
Monday, August 31, 2009
at 6:07 AM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
chiu nie (:
at 5:34 AM
went to library with xiao hui and Chai carmen .
yea,chai carmen was late !!
saw yen wen and her friends .
say hi to her.
maybe that called manners !
then cam-whore
fcuk ! my cable cant use dee.
what the fcuk .
btw,keep texting with lily so yah my phone ran out of credits
im sorry tsu ping cant reply your text ! ):
btw,we do cam-whore
took some pictures with chai carmen
will updated soon as i get back fixed my cable .
i miss lily >33
sei po !
btw,i thought im gonna meet up tsu ping at parade .
but , at last yea cannot because we have to go library
really ):
i miss my darlings seriously
elvis >33 ( yea,i do miss you and i meant it )
hoi yee >3(we've planned to hang out !)
cheyan >3(my babyy !)
sayang tim !!
baby yun !
more and more and more !!
ergh,i wish they just cant stood up infront of me in a sudden the i'll be happy !
at 5:23 AM
Monday, August 24, 2009
yah , stop nagging around us
your voice make us wanna puke n it
yea , you're biggest
bla bla bla
yea , get lost
you didnt get any respect from us seriously
having an anger ?
come'on . i guess you dont have the guts . yea , you dont have
it seems so obvious to see
call cops . duh , come'on see cops will take you to jail or us ?
yea yea yea , you're an old damn lady
so , you need respect ?
duh , respect us before you respect us
thats our infinty
so , you're not the trinity
so , get lost
how dulan is your life ?
wanna get more information ?
stay this world get over your work
resign and have an arsehole partner .
your dulan life make us happy !
at 6:36 AM
Sunday, August 23, 2009
new layouts
my new layouts . i think is much better that the old one
its seem so hard to see what i wrote
my friends told me that
i think this one is more better . hees :))
my sister is fixing my hair . ohh yeah i can say that she's playing my hair
after playing my hair .
the conversations
she : ehh , so cute
me : HAHAHA !
she : like prostitute only . XD
me : HAR!!!!! wtf
she : laugh till burst down
me : shit la you . hate you la . fixed back my hair
she : neninibubu !!! prostitute !!
me : * ignore her
then she went to bath
after bath she cam out and wanna sayang me back
she : lalala ~~
me : i post at blog what you say just now
she : MOU LA !
me : yea , posting
she : * seeing the blog and laugh till hug me
me : with anger ! AIKK! go la
she : ei , no need do your homework ar ? tommororw need to go school somemore
me : heh ? school holiday la
she : 2 days only mar
me : where got ? 10 days okayy !
she : ya mehh ?
me : yalah . you nyanyuk already is it ?
she : HAHAHA . with a malu face she go downstairs
HAHAHA . is that funny ?
btw , that my big sister
and she's childish although she seems so old
pictures will upload .
pictures of me and her .
at 12:56 AM
Saturday, August 22, 2009
at 3:44 AM
Friday, August 21, 2009
xiao hui went to her friends house to sleepover
yeah , of course i'll be boring without her
and yahh , CHAI CARMEN give me an eraser that is adorable
damn adorable weyy
heee :)
hmm , xiao hui im boring without you
for sure , sometime we'll argue . HAHAHA
XD . yahh , do take care CHAI CARMEN
you very cute weyh
saw you at the bulan sabit merah hall there
yahh , i went to visit my sister there
sengaja wanna make her hungry
we tease her by many things
she join 30 hours famine program so she didnt eat for 30 hours
CHAI CARMEN came along with her
hee :) we tease her by many things
HAHAHA . chai carmen very cute weyhh
her face is so red
XD . lalala ~
xiao hui !!
at 8:26 AM
me and someone
at 6:19 AM
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
at 7:10 AM
Sunday, August 16, 2009
daddy woke us up early in the morning .
damn it . went to eat our breakfast .
and then went to buy watch for me , joo theng and mum
daddy pay for it . * smiles
went back home
daddy wanna fetch joo leang to NILAI college back .
around 1 something daddy start his car .
around 4 something go to stadium
i mean near stadium to fetch my sister
because she have her 30 hours femine program
went back home , bath and then me and joo ying went to J.J
to eat our dinner
after eat , saw pui kuan there
smile to her , * blushing
then , went to loitering around J.J
loitering around again around ipoh
then went back home to online
heee :)
i miss my old schoolmate
cheyan :)
steph wang . my one year friend * thats what she wrote at her blog
someone really important for me
and elvis >3
missy miss them alot
hope to see them ASAP
err , daddy said he's too tired so he didnt come back to ipoh
wtf . tomorrow daddy until come back to ipoh
a bit uncomfortable without mum and dad nagging
mum nag a lots ! XD
at 10:31 AM
at 9:17 AM
Friday, August 14, 2009
at 7:25 AM
Monday, August 10, 2009
first period .
damn it .
have to float class again .
it suffer alot when youu need to go other class but not ourself class .
doing my homework at library . its crowded of HUMANS .
btw , i saw her in the library.
second period
nothing to do .
sitting in OUR real classroom .
loitering around .
teacher didnt enter the class *YAYYY
after that teacher enter with our test paper . whoots !
erghh , fyi , that's BI period .
third period
sejarah time
a new teacher enters
she introducing herself with all funny languages
she makes us laughs damn lot
btw , that teacher is so damn cutee . >3
recess time
didnt ate .
drink a cup of oren and yeah went to toilet .
after that went to dutyy
saw her again
pretend to be blind
she laso pretend to be blind .
i was like WTF ?
but , kenalah her
fourth period
BM times
boring dou BOOOM
the teacher always talk to herself
and bla bla bla
[see .. it means im lazy to type ]
fifth period
its agama time
those malays went to their room
and non-malays doing nothing and sit at the damn dataran
saw those malays girls playing hockeyy
yeah , i hate it when they scream like an mental person
seven period
doing nothing and yeah loitering around the school
ohh yeah , i wonder what time she's going back ?
btw , i hate her when she's doing something with playful attitude :(
hmm , skipped it
yeah , the bell rangs
went to canteen and take [teh'o ais ]
without makcik permission
and yeah its free . hahaha
bad girl . LOL . *gaps
labels : youu never look behind
at 6:29 AM
Saturday, August 8, 2009

at 5:04 AM
Thursday, August 6, 2009
damn it .
at 8:14 AM
Monday, August 3, 2009
at 6:19 AM
Saturday, August 1, 2009

seriously i thought you was talking about me .
because youu wrote J
and i thought you was talking about me .
and i was so down and i dont even knew what to do .
apologizes at youu or something .
blank in my brain .
blank in my heart .
but , i didnt talk about youu .
that my damn senior .
i couldnt call her senior actually .
she just a damn or shit for me .
and i hate her a lot .
since youu didnt trust .
i've nothing to say .
speechless .
at 8:39 AM
youu !

at 2:49 AM