dont backstabbes people .
and its a big fault .
labels for youu : never backstabbes people
the taste is sweet
i guess penny know what i means
dont youu dare to tell anyone .
or not kenalah youu at school . * winks
first test
eghh . Geografi .
damn it .
damn it .
i study a while .
honeslty , i hate study geografi .
talking about the petempatan la bla bla and blahh .
second test
hmm .someone summon that i and my friend
copy each other friends
that totally ridiculous . doesnt make sense at all .
i was what the f*ck .
not me kayy !
fed up with them .
i was like wth
stop being who you do not belong to .
you're so fake .
seriously no one will believe youu .
go with your damn life and have a life slut .
labels:i miss youu .
thanks for the memories . =))
i appreciate that .