todayy is the last night joo leang at ipohh .
i ' ll miss her .
just now when joo leang said something *forget dee*
i drop my tears . and it ' s non - stop .
whyy ?
i din 't appreciate her when she 's here . and now regreting maybe it 's too late .
and i cant forget her idiotness .
our family will be more silent without her .
i ve no idea whyy .
i kept thinking am i suppode to attend the school tomorow?
because i want to see her steps inside her college life then my heart will be better . am i suppose to go ? or attend the school ?
i ve no idea . i wanna go to joo leang college to see her steps inside her college life BUT i 'm scared teacher will send warning letter to her .
i'm scared . because i ve two days dint attend the school .
and yeah i ll follow what my heart sayy .
but i ' m sure mum and dad will never let me go because of studies .
i'm speechless . sighs sighs sighs
please god let me go KL to see her steps inside . i hope so .
andd yeahh joo theng too !
she going to kedah to continue her work as a nurse .
honestly , i'm dont know what to do without them .
i'll miss when she pinch me
i'll miss when she makes me laugh
i'll miss when i get scolded she will comfort me
i'll miss when she hug me
i'll miss her voice
i'll miss her everything
BUT NOW , maybe it 's too late to tell her that because she gonna go NILAI within least than 24 hours .
PLEASE GOD , bless them for god sake and give her everything what she wanted.
and never let her sad . and never let her faill in everything .
honestly , i'm crying while write this post
because i ll miss her .
no one 's know i cryy . i miss her a lot . ITS A LOT !!
sighs *
we love youu WOOI JOO LEANG
Sunday, June 28, 2009
joo leang ( we miss youu )
at 7:18 AM
Monday, June 22, 2009
phantom of the opera
our school had an activiti call ( DRAMA FEST )
and it ridiculous.
last year i 'm the one who act as a aprince because they say my face , the style i walk , my everything look like a man . wtf
so , teacher MAYBE want me to be a man again . wth wth wth
our class wanna act the phantom of the opera
and IT 'S MAYBE i ll be the lead character . * angry
i don ' t wanna act man .
it s embarassing when i forgot those script .
and last year i almost forgot . *recalling
sighs . GOD PLEASE .
and teacher want me to do all the script .
urhh ! honestly , i 'm sucha lazy . duhh
and i need to force myself to do .
and other girl just act . sighs
am so sighs sighs sighs .
and guys please no more pictures on me
imagine what ll happen if i 'm the one who act a man .
it ' s so terrible . *slapping my self
okayy . my mate which is si beside me call lau sheau ching
which is crazy and mental . she wanna give opnion about the drama . and she call me to say . wtf
me : aiyarr, youu sendiri sayy la.
she : mou la
me :just say la weyy
she : i scard lehh
me :aiyarr whatever la . tell me and i tell to teacher .
she :okayy . *explain everything
me:okayy . i tell to teacher now
she : okayy okaayyy .
ishh . she always pinch my face or hands to let me not to sleep during maths
it so boring .
she always nag me whenever i 'm sleeping or playing with friends .
she always start wit (weyy ar , study la , mouu playy la )
and my responce to her is yalahh yalahh
she was the one who most understand me whenever i 'm sad , cry , happy even mad . she won t say anything if i gossip about anyone and she ll just say forgive people la . she also human mar .
then i ll sayy (sighs,maybe i should do what youu said )
she will touch my shoulder and smile at me .
honestly she's good .
she sayy that i 'm her BFF. LOL
beside me no one will understand her .
well , that 's bff should do buddy .
hees :]]]
good luck for exam and BFF .
ohh yea almost forgot don 't always pinch my face la .
at 5:49 AM
Sunday, June 21, 2009

damn it .
my friend came my house in a sudden.
at 12:26 AM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
drag me to hell
joo ying brought us to parade to watch drag me to hell this movie .
hunn , seriously if youu have heart attack or anyting don't watch that movie .
it 's so horror
exciting dude !
it 's so excited .
i scream because when the old woman came out .
it makes my heart came out . WTF
makes me wanna cry . duhh
have fun with my sister
and joo leang gonna go to nilai .
8 MORE DAYS !!!!
is a 8 more days
i cant imagine how can i live without her
she ;s going ther for 3 years
i just cant do it
i miss those memories that we had
especially we fighting for choclate , ice cream , TV
and now she 's packing wanna leave ipoh and to to so farr .
altough is just between KL and Kedah
but i cant see her everyday :[[
she use to hug me when i 'm back from school nor make us laugh
is so difficult for me to let her go
and i just cant
i will cry , miss her lotsa
and just sit there waiting her come back and make us laugh again and again .
and now is too late to say those thing
i cry a lot
i miss her lot
and i will gonna call her everyday but it will make her feel annoying . :[[[[[
i hope she wont think like that
and now i ' m crying
please budhha do bless her for everything
she 's my beloved sister and my lovest sister
bless her and make her happy
thanks . and joo leang do take care .
i 'll so gonna miss youu a lot .
i guess life is like that .
a while hands off and a while hands tight
llife is meaningless without their care
andd now only i realise family is important
family is sooo important
their laughterr , cry , happy and mostly sadd when we 're having some difficult time . but we do appreaciate those time and we never let go
althought i 'm sad when dad and mum do that decision for * privasy *
although i cry and madd obviously .
it just OKAYY !
i'm okayy family
don't worry . and i love youu all .
and i have many problems right in my mind .
and i don't know how to solve it .
i just need someone to help me .
but i 've to do it on my own and let be my challenge .
i can do it . and i can make this over b*tch .
thanks to someone .
andd to someone . i update my blog lorr .
don't text me everyday and tell to update la .
annoy laa . go to school youu jau wait for me !
wanna revenge .
we can meet everyday werd . form 6 !
lalala ~ P/S : don't text me everyday ! or i 'll kill youu . LOL
at 8:54 AM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
aree youu died blog ? =(((
are my blogg is died ? i hope so not =((
manyy things happen this few weekss .
althoughh daddy din't brought us to go pangkor but daddy brought us to swimming . OMG .
after swimming the toilet is like EWWWWW !
so dirty ! there'a a lot of bee there . ish ish ish
digusting !
i ' ve no idea whyy those people cant bathh inside . maybe there were the one who bought those bees . LOL
okayy ! back to the sub-topik.
whyy are there so many gossip .
goddamn it . i hate that .
is youu got nothing to do so youu come and annoyed me ?
NO NO please .
don't annoyed me . i don't need youu .
honestly , youu have two sides face .
one , good infront of me .
two ,bad behind me .
she 's no idea what actually happening .
my friends din't tell her anything anything ! ANYTHINGG !
but , youu blame us for telling everything to her .
whyy are youu that stupid ?
please la . don't do anything that makes we guys hate youu .
you are getting worst to bad .
btw , youu ain't perfect darll .
N.I.E project .
gosh . this thing has taken me ages .
i do i do i do . and my friends just sat there and dreaming what she's gonna eat later ! XD
i find all those thing andd youu sat there dreaming yourr suckass food .
this makes me fed up . URGH !!!
sejarah folio makes me wanna puke .
that's a lot of thing wanna do . wth
wish me luck buddy .
P/S:don't try to hide honeyy.we got ourselves SULA
sweaty upper lip alert . and btw youu don't make the cut hunn .
[there's still a lot of thing i wanna tell youu]
[i love youu.]
[i'm MRS.Hang Geng]
at 5:52 AM
Friday, June 5, 2009
it's time for me to do my homework
it's time for me to do my piles of homework.
if not i'm gonna get kill by my school teacher.
goddamn it
lotsa of homework
i've to do my sejarah folio
damn it lahh..i failed my sejarah.ish ish ish
i'm so bad.i do my revision.xiao hui told me that if wanna know sejarah better i've to remember all the points.
OMFG.i cant
futhermore,i din't take all my subject paper YET!
i cant imagine mann!
please do not let me know any subject marks if i get failed.
i cant imagine.really.i cant imagine.*slap my self.
please la!i really don't want
if have chance i rather to do again my sejarah for got saked.
please let me do once more.
BUT,it's too late.*cries
i ll do more better in my next exam.i hope so,
if not i ll get scolded by mummy !
i don't want that !
swing my hips and giggle.
*finger crossed
mum nag me not to online many times.
tell me to study because my sejarah failled.
at 6:47 AM
welcome home joo ying
welcome home jooo ying.>3
she's BACK !XD
yay yay yay !*LAUGH-OUT-LOUD
okayy !honestly i'm so damn glad that she's home from sabah.
am so fucking glad.
i do miss her so much.
she's the most noisyest at the home.
without her i guess no laughter.HAHAHA
dad don't let me hang out with my friends.
i'm sad honestly.
it's holidays dad.i wanna hang out but me our dad don't let.sighs
boring holidays.
later,we're gonnna go out and have our nicee dinner to welcome joo ying home.YAY
we're so gonna miss youu babe.
okayy !my senior everyday text me all the time.i've no idea why.*ergghh !
if i din't reply she'll keep sending the same text for me.GOSH.
is not annoying or what.even when i'm bathieee she still wanna me to reply her text.wth.
at 4:34 AM